Cwricwlwm i Gymru/Curriculum for Wales
Mae addysg yng Nghymru yn newid/Education in Wales is changing
Meysydd Dysgu a Phrofiad / Areas of Learning and Experience
Y Pedwar Diben/ The Four Purposes
Ysgol Y Login Fach
Dyma luniau sydd yn cynrychioli'r pedwar diben. Pob un wedi dylunio gan ddisgyblion yr ysgol.
Here are our images that represent the four purposes. Each image has been designed by pupils from the school.
Addysg Cydberthynas a Rhywioldeb/ Relationships and Sexuality Education
Cyswllt ACRh gyda CCUHP Hawliau Plant/ RSE links to UNCRC Rights of the Child:
Erthygl 2: Mae'r confensiwn yn gymwys i bob un waeth beth
Article 2: All children have these rights, no matter what
Erthygl 6: Mae gennych yr hawl i fywyd ac i dyfu i fod yn iach.
Article 6: You have the right to life and to grow up to be healthy.
Erthygl 13: Eich hawl i gael gwybodaeth.
Article 13: Your right to have information.
Erthygl 34: Eich hawl i fod yn ddiogel rhag cael eich cam-drin.
Article 34: Your right to be protected from abuse.
Mae RSE yn rhan gadarnhaol ac amddiffynnol o'r Cwricwlwm i Gymru. Mae'n chwarae rhan ganolog wrth gefnogi hawliau dysgwyr i fwynhau perthnasoedd lawn, iach a diogel trwy gydol eu bywydau.
RSE is a positive and protective part of the Curriculum for Wales. It plays a central role in supporting learners’ rights to enjoy fulfilling, healthy and safe relationships throughout their lives.
Dofennau Cysylltiedig/ Related documents
Cod ACRh/RSE Code
Themau Trawsgwricwlaidd ar gyfer ACRh/Cross-cutting themes for RSE
Comisiynydd Plant Cymru/Children's Commissioner for Wales
Gwybodaeth Llywodraeth Cymru/Welsh Government Information